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UBI understands the unique concerns, circumstances, and funding limitations School Administrators face today. With budgeting limitations at the forefront of every educational decision, every dollar not spent on claim deductibles, increased insurance premiums, and litigation costs, is a dollar that can be dedicated to the educational needs of our students.  Keeping dollars in the classroom is paramount in providing a safe and nurturing educational experience for our youth.   


UBI offers an aggressive approach to successful risk management, and cost effective coverage procurement utilizing these key factors:


*Data analytics and risk assessments to highlight the frequency and / or severity claims.


*Exposure identification and corrective action plans with realistic goals and timelines.


*Development of a dynamic team to include UBI, insurance carrier claim representatives, underwriters and loss control professionals, as well as school safety committee members and facilities  managers, working together to promote a proactive, safety driven school environment.


*When contractually permitted, and board approved, UBI will market your insurance program for the most competitive and fair premiums, with the most robust coverage terms and limits available in the industry.  We will aggressively market your Property, Automobile Liability, Automobile Physical Damage, General Liability, School Board Legal/Professional Liability, Excess Liability, Environmental Liability, Cyber/Data Breach Liability, Crime/Bond, Workers Compensation/Employers Liability, Student Accident, Equipment Breakdown/Boiler, and Crisis Management coverages.  UBI utilizes only highly rated Carriers with proven educational institution insurance expertise.


What else can you expect from the UBI Risk Management Team:


Documentation review is imperative to controlling loss and preventing unexpected premium increases.   We thoroughly review the (SOV)  - a listing of insured structures, contents, and values to identify potential coverage and/or valuation shortfalls.  We complete an on-site assessment of all structures to validate the accuracy of the current SOV and identify any property or liability concerns.  Upon completion of this review we will meet with the appropriate school personnel to review and develop an internal timeline for corrective guidance, if necessary.  Identifying, addressing, and documenting structural or grounds issues to be scheduled for future budgetary dollars will eliminate the School’s concern with respect to liability and/or potential litigation. Modification factors with respect to Automobile Liability, General Liability and Workers Compensation will be an additional priority for your dedicated team.  As previously stated, the use of data analytics and claims activity reports will identify trending and areas of concern and immediate focus.  As the experts in the industry we understand that modification factor reduction is the key to premium reduction. 

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